List of MeSH codes (C20)

For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)


MeSH C20 --- immune system diseases

MeSH C20.111 --- autoimmune diseases

MeSH C20.111.163 --- addison disease

MeSH C20.111.175 --- anemia, hemolytic, autoimmune

MeSH C20.111.190 --- anti-glomerular basement membrane disease

MeSH C20.111.197 --- antiphospholipid syndrome

MeSH C20.111.199 --- arthritis, rheumatoid

MeSH C20.111.258 --- autoimmune diseases of the nervous system

MeSH C20.111.318 --- dermatitis herpetiformis

MeSH C20.111.327 --- diabetes mellitus, type 1

MeSH C20.111.375 --- familial mediterranean fever

MeSH C20.111.525 --- glomerulonephritis, iga

MeSH C20.111.535 --- glomerulonephritis, membranous

MeSH C20.111.550 --- goodpasture syndrome

MeSH C20.111.555 --- graves disease

MeSH C20.111.567 --- hepatitis, autoimmune

MeSH C20.111.580 --- lambert-eaton myasthenic syndrome

MeSH C20.111.590 --- lupus erythematosus, systemic

MeSH C20.111.709 --- ophthalmia, sympathetic

MeSH C20.111.730 --- pemphigoid, bullous

MeSH C20.111.736 --- pemphigus

MeSH C20.111.750 --- polyendocrinopathies, autoimmune

MeSH C20.111.759 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic

MeSH C20.111.782 --- reiter disease

MeSH C20.111.809 --- thyroiditis, autoimmune

MeSH C20.188 --- blood group incompatibility

MeSH C20.188.413 --- erythroblastosis, fetal

MeSH C20.188.780 --- rh isoimmunization

MeSH C20.425 --- glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative

MeSH C20.452 --- graft vs host disease

MeSH C20.543 --- hypersensitivity

MeSH C20.543.206 --- drug hypersensitivity

MeSH C20.543.312 --- environmental illness

MeSH C20.543.418 --- hypersensitivity, delayed

MeSH C20.543.480 --- hypersensitivity, immediate

MeSH C20.543.520 --- immune complex diseases

MeSH C20.543.600 --- latex hypersensitivity

MeSH C20.543.928 --- wissler's syndrome

MeSH C20.673 --- immunologic deficiency syndromes

MeSH C20.673.088 --- agammaglobulinemia

MeSH C20.673.290 --- ataxia telangiectasia

MeSH C20.673.330 --- common variable immunodeficiency

MeSH C20.673.340 --- digeorge syndrome

MeSH C20.673.430 --- dysgammaglobulinemia

MeSH C20.673.480 --- hiv infections

MeSH C20.673.483 --- deltaretrovirus infections

MeSH C20.673.600 --- leukocyte-adhesion deficiency syndrome

MeSH C20.673.627 --- lymphopenia

MeSH C20.673.774 --- phagocyte bactericidal dysfunction

MeSH C20.673.815 --- severe combined immunodeficiency

MeSH C20.673.972 --- wiskott-aldrich syndrome

MeSH C20.683 --- immunoproliferative disorders

MeSH C20.683.460 --- hypergammaglobulinemia

MeSH C20.683.515 --- lymphoproliferative disorders

MeSH C20.683.780 --- paraproteinemias

MeSH C20.841 --- purpura, thrombocytopenic